(Ujian Kenaikan Tingkat)
I. Time of Practice/Waktu Latihan Belt/Obi :
(Ujian Kenaikan Tingkat)
I. Time of Practice/Waktu Latihan Belt/Obi :
( 6 - 5 ) = 30 ---- Kyu-5 -- White/Putih
( 5 - 4 ) = 35 ---- Kyu-4 -- Blue/Biru atau putih
( 4 - 3 ) = 40 ---- Kyu-3 -- Blue/Biru atau coklat
( 3 - 2 ) = 50 ---- Kyu-2 -- Brown/Coklat
( 2 - 1 ) = 60 ---- Kyu-1 -- Brown/Coklat
( 1 - I ) = 70 ---- DAN I -- Black/Hitam
Waktu Latihan kumulatif Uji dasar dan Uji Waza
II. Tecniques/Uji Waza yang diujikan
*Katate tori: Ikkyo, Shiho Nage *Tsuki Kote Gaeshi
*Shomen uchi: Ikkyo, Irimi Nage *Zagi Ryote tori Kokyu ho
*Shomen uchi: Ikkyo, Irimi Nage *Zagi Ryote tori Kokyu ho
*Mune tori: Nikkyo, Irimi Nage *Yokomen uchi: Shiho Nage, Ikkyo
*Katate tori: Nikkyo, Kaiten Nage *Shomen uchi: Nikkyo, Kote Gaeshi
*Ushiro tekubi tori Ikkyo *Mune tsuki Kaiten Nage
*Katate tori: Nikkyo, Kaiten Nage *Shomen uchi: Nikkyo, Kote Gaeshi
*Ushiro tekubi tori Ikkyo *Mune tsuki Kaiten Nage
*Ryote tori Tenchi Nage
*Hanmi hantachi: Ryote tori Shiho Nage, katate tori Shiho Nage
*Irimi Nage: Morote tori, Ushiro Ryote tori
*Sankyo: Ushiro Ryote tori, Morote tori, Zagi Shomen uchi
*Hanmi hantachi: Ryote tori Shiho Nage, katate tori Shiho Nage
*Irimi Nage: Morote tori, Ushiro Ryote tori
*Sankyo: Ushiro Ryote tori, Morote tori, Zagi Shomen uchi
*Shomen Uchi Kaiten Nage
*Tsuki Irimi Nage
*Ushiro katate tori kubishime Sankyo Nage
*Kata tori Men Uchi: Nikkyo, Sankyo, Yonkyo
*Zagi muna tori: Sankyo, Yonkyo
*Ushiro ryote tori: Kote Gaeshi, Shiho Nage, Sankyo Nage
*Zagi: Ryote tori Irimi Nage, Yokomen Uchi Gokyo
*Hanmi Hantachi: Ryote tori Sankyo, Shomen Uchi Kote Gaeshi,
Kata tori Shiho Nage
*Jiyu: Katate tori, Morote tori, Yokomen Uchi
*Tsuki Irimi Nage
*Ushiro katate tori kubishime Sankyo Nage
*Kata tori Men Uchi: Nikkyo, Sankyo, Yonkyo
*Zagi muna tori: Sankyo, Yonkyo
*Ushiro ryote tori: Kote Gaeshi, Shiho Nage, Sankyo Nage
*Zagi: Ryote tori Irimi Nage, Yokomen Uchi Gokyo
*Hanmi Hantachi: Ryote tori Sankyo, Shomen Uchi Kote Gaeshi,
Kata tori Shiho Nage
*Jiyu: Katate tori, Morote tori, Yokomen Uchi
*Koshi Nage: Morote tori, Ryote tori
*Tembin Nage: Yokomen Uchi, Tsuki
*Zagi: tsuki Sankyo, Yonkyo, Morote tori Kote Gaeshi, Kata tori Men Uchi Irimi Nage
*Hanmi Hantachi: Shomen Uchi Shiho N, Morote tori Kote Gaeshi, Ushiro katate kubishime Irimi Nage
*Ushiro: Ryote tori Juji Garami, Ryokata tori Sankyo, Ryokata tori Yonkyo, Ryohiji tori Nikkyo, Katate tori kubishime Koshi Nage
*Jiyu: Shomen Uchi, Yokomen Uchi, Tsuki, Ushiro
*Tembin Nage: Yokomen Uchi, Tsuki
*Zagi: tsuki Sankyo, Yonkyo, Morote tori Kote Gaeshi, Kata tori Men Uchi Irimi Nage
*Hanmi Hantachi: Shomen Uchi Shiho N, Morote tori Kote Gaeshi, Ushiro katate kubishime Irimi Nage
*Ushiro: Ryote tori Juji Garami, Ryokata tori Sankyo, Ryokata tori Yonkyo, Ryohiji tori Nikkyo, Katate tori kubishime Koshi Nage
*Jiyu: Shomen Uchi, Yokomen Uchi, Tsuki, Ushiro
*Aiki Waza, same as above ( dari kyu 5 sampai kyu 1 )
• Ujian kenaikan tingkat (UKT) dilaksanakan secara periodik dan
seluruh anggota berhak mengajukan diri sebagai peserta ujian.
Persyaratan kepesertaan ujian ditentukan dalam peraturan pelaksanaan
dan kurikulum.• Peserta ujian harus mendaftarkan diri dan memenuhi kriteria peserta ujian maksimal tujuh hari sebelum UKT dilaksanakan.
• Anggota berhak diujikan dalam UKT bila ia sah sebagai peserta ujian, anggota berhak mengetahui hasil UKT tersebut dan berhak mendapat pengakuan atas hasil yang didapatnya.
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